Welcome to MOPS and MOPS NEXT at First Federated Church!

MOPS/MOPS NEXT stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and into the next step -- Elementary school. We exist to meet the needs of every mom -- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS/MOPS NEXT recognizes that the years of infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS/MOPS NEXT helps moms through relationships estabilished in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. Come join us at Federated to begin your quest to be the mom God intended you to be!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December, Already?

Can you believe that it is already December? As we turn the page of the calendar tomorrow, we will start the push of 25 days until Christmas! There will be lights to hang, stories to read, parties to attend, presents to buy and wrap, etc. So much to do!

We would like to know:
What special traditions do you and your family do for Christmas or to get ready for Christmas?


  1. It starts out by tagging our Christmas Tree before Thanksgiving. Once the tree arrives, the kids and I decorate the tree together. One night during the Christmas season the kids and I sleep downstairs by the lighted Christmas tree and watch Christmas movies until we fall asleep.

  2. We always do activities with an Advent calendar. I write activities on slips of paper. We open one everyday and do that thing. It could be stringing popcorn to use as garland or going to see lights or going to the Christmas Eve Service at church. It is a fun way to count down the days until Christmas and it gets the whole family doing fun things together! What great memories!

  3. We also make a night of driving around town looking at Christmas lights while we sip on hot chocolate and eat popcorn in the car. We also wear on PJ's. So much fun!

  4. My mother in law gave me all of my husband's childhood Christmas books so on Dec 1st I wrap them all up (there are about 25 of them) and place them under the kids tree. Every night before bed, they get to unwrap a story that we read for bedtime. They love seeing which story they are going to unwrap that night. My favorite Kids Christmas story is, "The Best Thing about Christmas" by Christine Tangvald so I had to buy that one and add it to our mix!
