Thanks again for inviting to speak to your MOPS group. I thought they were a fun and open group!
I wanted to follow up and summarize what we talked about.
Nothing with God is impossible. You are called to "ask and imagine" and let God do the rest.
Don't let your fear of failure keep you from those amazing seeds of vision in your life.
Don't externalize your life- you were born with the Holy Spirit living inside of you!
You have a game you can play better than anyone else- you were born with it! When you play your game, you can move towards fulfilling the life God intended for you.
We explored three different areas of "game."
Love (Romantic)
Think about what works for you, what relaxes you, what gets you going. When you open
yourself up, you also open up your partner to love you and invest in you!
Ask for what you want (think shaving)- if you are into a clean shaven husband, then tell him
that! Get yourself ready and let your partner know you want to hook up later in the day.
It will make it exciting for you. If you feel unattractive, you will not be attracted. What can you do to prepare yourself? Get cute, get moving, get rest. Get it out- what are you holding back emotionally? Try to talk it out. Be affirming. Don't hold your game back from your partner!
What is your game in health? Nurture yourself so you can give to your family and community fully as God intended. Get enough rest. Take time for yourself. Eat the right things- what works for your chemistry. Acknowledge your health issues - don't "wish or pretend" them
Again, remember- take care of you so you can take care of your children
Be in the moment - take time to enjoy the kids
Don't set yourself up for failure in your life. - Take care of yourself so you have the
energy and clarity to take care of those who depend on you!
~ Liz
Recipes on the Ladies Home Journal Feature! Pineapple salsa and cauliflower popcorn
Click if you are interested in taking a 30 Day Challenge!
Click if you are interested in building a Vision Board!
Check out Life Dare TV featured on Ladies Home Journal!
Check out Jen Chedester- the Television Star of the "Spicing up your relationship" episode!
Welcome to MOPS and MOPS NEXT at First Federated Church!
MOPS/MOPS NEXT stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and into the next step -- Elementary school. We exist to meet the needs of every mom -- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS/MOPS NEXT recognizes that the years of infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS/MOPS NEXT helps moms through relationships estabilished in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. Come join us at Federated to begin your quest to be the mom God intended you to be!
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