Welcome to MOPS and MOPS NEXT at First Federated Church!

MOPS/MOPS NEXT stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and into the next step -- Elementary school. We exist to meet the needs of every mom -- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS/MOPS NEXT recognizes that the years of infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS/MOPS NEXT helps moms through relationships estabilished in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. Come join us at Federated to begin your quest to be the mom God intended you to be!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 13 Meeting

There is nothing like the smell of an apple pie baking in your home on a crisp fall day!  It is a smell that just smells homey!  I love it!  Make sure you come to MOPS on Tuesday for our traditional Apple Pie Meeting! We will have Connie Rose (Pastor Mike's wife) sharing thoughts with us about being thankful, and then we will make our APPLE PIES!! YEAH!

What should I bring?

A Pie Plate

Any knives/corers/utensils you like to peel and cut your apples

A FRIEND!!  Each mom who brings a friend will get an extra ticket for our give away for herself and an extra one for her friend!  (And you don't want to miss THESE give aways! 

We will provide all of the crusts, apples, seasonings, etc.  

Be ready for a night of fun and yumminess!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Holiday Traditions

As the time for holidays approaches, what special traditions mean the most to you and your family?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cute crafts for Tuesday

We have three crafts for you to choose from for Tuesday:

1.  Making a Tutu for your little girl (or boy if you really want to!).

2.  Making a Cape for your little girl or boy.  If you are planning on doing this one, please bring an old adult-sized tee shirt in the color of your choice to make your cape.
3. Making a fall decoration...you will have to come to see what this one looks like!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When Life gives you a pain in the neck....


Do you have neck pain from carrying your screaming 6 month old son? Are your shoulders always tense due to the stress of life with a third grade girl with issues at school?  Did you wake up today with pain in your back from your 15 year old lumpy mattress?


This Tuesday night we will have a representative from Blum Family Chiropractic (http://www.blumfamilychiropractic.com) talking about how we can be healthy mommas for our families. They will also have free neck screenings and answer our questions about chiropractic care.  


After they share we will have two crafts to choose from:

1.  Making a tutu or a super-hero cape for your kids for Halloween
(If you choose to make a cape, you will need to bring an adult-sized tee shirt to make your cape.) 

2. Making a fall decoration for your home. 

Don't forget to bring $5 to cover the cost of the materials, our speaker and the food!

See you on Tuesday... BRING A FRIEND!!  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lost the Creativity?

Kids' lunches -- whether you pack them for school or create them at home -- are a chore!!  It is easy to get in a rut of the same old lunch over and over.  Mom is bored and the kids are bored. 

SO... let's work together and share our best ideas:

What is your most creative lunch for the kids when you are bored with the normal, everyday lunches?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mom's Club at FFC

Announcing a new group, just for you!!!

Mom's Club at First Federated Church

What:  A club for moms that meets once a month for games, learning, sharing, fun, crafts, food and MORE!  This club will take the format of MOPS but will also include MOPS Next which is a program designed for moms with children in elementary school.

Who:  All moms with children ages birth-grade 6 and pregnant moms from First Federated Church, their friends, and friends from the community!

When: the Second Tuesday of the Month from September – May from 7-9pm

Where: at First Federated Church (4801 Franklin Ave, DSM) in Room 152

Why:  We all need encouragement, relaxation, conversation with other moms, yummy food, and a time to be a little creative!

(Childcare will NOT be provided; babies are welcome to come with mommas!)

We start on September 11 so mark 
your calendars NOW!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FINAL MOPS Meeting -- Tuesday

We have our final MOPS meeting Tuesday, May 22 at 10 AM at Colby Park in Windsor Heights as a play date!  We are praying for good weather so we can enjoy good company with friends.  Come when you can and leave when you must!  Please feel free to stay for a picnic lunch together as a group and invite a friend or two to join us for a special time at a GREAT park!  Hope you can make it! :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Physical Therapy Links

We had two GREAT speakers yesterday and they left two sites for us to get more information!



Use the first site to contact Tasha Mulligan and Michelle Herbst about questions! They are ready and willing to help!

Monday, May 7, 2012


We will NOT be meeting for our regularly scheduled MOPS tomorrow night, May 8!  Please check our church bulletin, email announcements and this blog for more information about next year's MOPS which will resume in September!

Monday, April 30, 2012

A WILD Play date Tomorrow

Come to join your MOPS friends for a fun play date at the ZOO tomorrow morning!  Meet at the Blank Park Zoo at 10 AM so we can all go in together and have a great play date!  If you haven't been to see the new pool for the sea lions -- it is REALLY COOL!

Check back in the AM in case of any weather problems!  Hope you can make it.... INVITE A FRIEND!!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Yes, you read that correctly!  We will be doing YOGA tomorrow at MOPS!! Come prepared to have a blast as we explore the fun of YOGA!  Please wear comfy clothes -- PJs if you like -- and come with a joyful heart, ready to have a good laugh!

We will also be making Special Occasion plates for our families!

Hope to see you there -- we only have two regular MOPS left for the year!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where Kids Eat FREE!!!

This morning Rachelle mentioned several places where kids can eat for free on certain days. Here is the list that she gave and then I also put a link to a site to check out with MORE options:

Champs (2 kids free with each paying adult)
Lonestar (2 kids free with each paying adult)
Pizza Ranch
Fazoils -- .99 cent kids meal
Carlos o Kelly's -- .99-1.99 kids meals

Cornpatch -- discounted kids meals


Want More? Check out:


Friday, April 6, 2012


Have you ever said that or thought that but knew that it was impossible to have a vacation on YOUR budget? Well, you MUST come to MOPS this Tuesday to hear from Melanie Snodgrass, Tracy Teachout's sister! She is going to be sharing her tips and secrets about vacationing on a budget in our morning AND evening sessions. She is a mom who likes to take her family on trips and has mastered the art of vacationing on little money.

After her insightful talk, we will be making art for our homes...using letters! If you have a favorite pattern of scrapbooking paper, please bring it with you or you can choose from the stack that we have. Here is the one that I made!

It is sure to be a fun MORNING and EVENING!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Summary from Liz Nead

Thanks again for inviting to speak to your MOPS group. I thought they were a fun and open group!

I wanted to follow up and summarize what we talked about.

Nothing with God is impossible. You are called to "ask and imagine" and let God do the rest.
Don't let your fear of failure keep you from those amazing seeds of vision in your life.
Don't externalize your life- you were born with the Holy Spirit living inside of you!
You have a game you can play better than anyone else- you were born with it! When you play your game, you can move towards fulfilling the life God intended for you.
We explored three different areas of "game."

Love (Romantic)



Think about what works for you, what relaxes you, what gets you going. When you open
yourself up, you also open up your partner to love you and invest in you!
Ask for what you want (think shaving)- if you are into a clean shaven husband, then tell him
that! Get yourself ready and let your partner know you want to hook up later in the day.
It will make it exciting for you. If you feel unattractive, you will not be attracted. What can you do to prepare yourself? Get cute, get moving, get rest. Get it out- what are you holding back emotionally? Try to talk it out. Be affirming. Don't hold your game back from your partner!

What is your game in health? Nurture yourself so you can give to your family and community fully as God intended. Get enough rest. Take time for yourself. Eat the right things- what works for your chemistry. Acknowledge your health issues - don't "wish or pretend" them

Again, remember- take care of you so you can take care of your children
Be in the moment - take time to enjoy the kids
Don't set yourself up for failure in your life. - Take care of yourself so you have the
energy and clarity to take care of those who depend on you!

~ Liz

Recipes on the Ladies Home Journal Feature! Pineapple salsa and cauliflower popcorn
Click if you are interested in taking a 30 Day Challenge!
Click if you are interested in building a Vision Board!
Check out Life Dare TV featured on Ladies Home Journal!
Check out Jen Chedester- the Television Star of the "Spicing up your relationship" episode!
515-664-6881 liz@neadinspiration.com

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

If you were not at MOPS yesterday, you missed a fun activity making Resurrection Eggs -- a set of eggs designed to teach your children about Easter. I still have several sets of eggs left, so if you want one, let me know and I can bring it to church tonight or you can get it from me at home.

Resurrection Eggs:

1. Palm Branch
Matthew 21:1-9 (8)

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday, the people
were praising Him as they waved palm branches and laid their coat on the
road. They shouted, “Hosanna!”

2. Silver Coins
Matthew 26:14-16, 46-50

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of Silver.

3. Flowers at the Garden of Gethsemane
Mark 14:32-42

Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, but
the disciples kept falling asleep. Jesus was so troubled that He sweat drops of blood as He prayed to His Father.

4. Leather Whip
John 19:1-15, Matthew 27: 26-31

After His trial by Pilate, the soldiers used leather straps with
rocks and metal attached to them to whip Jesus 39 times.

5. Thorns from the Crown
Matthew 27:29-31

They shoved a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him saying,
“Hail, King of the Jews!”

6. Dice
John 19:23-25

The soldiers gambled to see who would get Jesus’ robe.

7. Cross
John 19:17-18
Jesus had to carry His cross before His friend took over.

8. Nails
John 19:16-22

The men nailed Jesus to the cross using three nails – one in each
hand and one through both feet -- and left Him there to die.

9. Spear
John 19:31-37

Because it was getting late, the soldiers were going to break the
legs of the men on the cross to speed up the death, but since Jesus was
already dead, they put a spear in His side to verify that He was dead.

10. Linens
Matthew 28:1-6

His friends wrapped him up and placed Him in a new tomb.

11. Stone
Matthew 28:5-6

They put a stone in front of the tomb to keep Jesus safe.

Matthew 28:5-8

When they arrived at the tomb on Sunday morning, Jesus wasn’t
there! He was ALIVE just as He said He would be!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

We have a GREAT meeting planned for THIS Tuesday! We will have Liz Nead share with us...check her out at http://www.neadinspiration.com/ She is a GREAT speaker and will be an encouragement to ALL of us!
Then we will be making our own Resurrection Eggs to teach our little ones the REAL meaning of Easter! Please bring your own empty egg carton! See you there!
PS If it is a nice day and you want to stay to play on the playground at FFC or at the park, I am sure there would be moms to join you!! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Des Moines Mothers of Multiples Sale!

Don't miss out on one of the best yard sales of the season... the Des Moines Mothers of Multiples Sale! It is open for everyone -- not just moms with multiples. It is held at Zion Lutheran Church on 4300 Beaver ave in DSM. It will be on March 30-31.

For more information, check out their website:


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Organizational Websites

Here are the great resources that Cindy mentioned last night for us to get more organized:



Let us know how they are helping you or what you like about each!

Check them out on FACEBOOK as well!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Family Camp

Are you looking for a great activity for your WHOLE family to do TOGETHER this summer?
Then you MUST check out Twin Lakes Family Camp: www.twinlakescc.com
Dates of Camp:
Session 1: June 7-9 (with focus on Parenting)
Session 2: June 21-23
Session 3: August 10-12 (this is the one that many of the MOPS are going to and Danny Lightner will be speaking at)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This Tuesday, March 13, we will have our regular MORNING MOPS and need YOU to make it happen. We will have a friendly competition among small groups... CHOPPED STYLE! That's right... we will be baking desserts like they do on the popular Food Network Show, Chopped! Come with creativity and a hungry tummy ready to taste our new creations! (If you don't know what we are talking about... check out Food Network online!)
Hope you can make it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Playdate Tomorrow

Looking for a fun activity tomorrow? Join your MOPS friends for a time of fun at the Franklin Ave Library at 10 tomorrow morning -- Tuesday, March 6! Hope you can make it!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Moms' Free Time... does that sound like an Oxymoron to you? Well, it isn't if you plan to come to our next meeting TOMORROW!!!! We are having a NO PLAN meeting where we will just have food, announcements, and devotions. We will set up a lot of tables and chairs and allow you TIME to work on projects. Projects? Yup... like scrapbooking, putting photos in albums, sorting recipe cards, making cards, writing cards, sewing, crafting, reading magazines, filling in the baby books, etc. You will have about 2 hours to work on something... so START PLANNING NOW!!! See you TOMORROW from 8:45-11:15!!

BE THERE -- and REMIND your friends of this special MOPS day!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

15 Ways to Love Your Spouse in a Digital World

Creative and fun ways to tell your spouse, “I love you!”
by Toni Birdsong

When I married Troy, I thought I was marrying my prince. Now, more than 19 years later, I know it. Troy Birdsong is the father of my children, my partner in business and ministry, and the love of my life. I try to be intentional about telling him face-to-face how much I care every day. Another way of expressing my love for him, for our family, and for our marriage—is online. It's public, it's powerful—and it's fun!

It usually doesn’t take a lot of time to send a special e-mail or text message to my husband, or to come up with a creative Facebook post. But it does take a little planning and thinking about how I can best use the web to express my devotion.

A Christ-centered marriage in a digital world puts a “no trespassing” sign in the enemy’s face. It also tells my spouse that values such as fidelity, honor, respect, family, faith, and love are here to stay.
Would you like to know some of my little secrets? Here are 15 ways to love your spouse in a digital world:

1. Lift one another up in public by posting affirmations, encouragements, and thank-you notes on your spouse’s Facebook wall.

2. Digitally cheer one another’s goals and accomplishments. For example, if your husband gets a promotion at work, wins an award, or accomplishes a certain goal (such as completing a marathon, losing 20 pounds, or winning an election), congratulate him on your Facebook page or on his Facebook wall.

3. Buy your sweetheart her domain name. See if it is available at whois.net.

4. Post a music video of your favorite love song and tell your spouse why it reminds you of him.

5. Make a list of 10 things you love about your spouse or your relationship and post it on your spouse’s Facebook wall or on your own. Make sure you tag your spouse so she doesn’t miss your post! (Tagging is a Facebook feature that gives the ability to reference and identify people in photos, videos, and notes.)

6. At least once a week, post this on your husband’s Facebook wall: “In case you didn’t know it …” (Finish the sentence with phrases like, “… we’re having a romantic dinner at home tonight—just the two of us” or “… I am so glad that I married you.”

7. Go to the park, set up a picnic lunch or dinner, and take a video or photo of it. E-mail or text this to your wife, asking her to join you.

8. Set up a blog dedicated to your family. (You may want to protect your privacy by making this for family members only.) Celebrate every week or month by posting milestones, love notes, prayers for one another, and fun photos.

9. Post a free coupon for dinner, dancing, breakfast in bed, a long romantic walk by the lake, a short trip to the beach, or just some unplugged time together. E-mail the coupon to your spouse.

10. Write “I Love You, ______” in unique places such as the bathroom mirror, in the snow, or on your arm. Take a photo and post it on his Facebook wall.

11. Once a month write a “Top 5” list for your wife. E-mail this or post it in a Facebook note to her. Examples: Top 5 Reasons Why I Love You, Top 5 Things I Appreciate the Most About You, and Top Five Reasons Why I Thank God for You.

12. Regularly text romantic, funny, inspiring messages to your loved one.

13. Write a romantic poem for your husband. Then, using Google Translator, translate it into either French or Italian, or any romantic language you choose. Next, e-mail the poem to your spouse with instructions to go to Google Translator and translate it back to English.

14. Send your spouse a romantic, fun e-card to brighten her day. Here are some free e-card resources: Blue Mountain or Hallmark.

15. Make an “I love you” poster. Take a picture of your kids holding it, and post this on your spouse’s Facebook wall. Or, have the kids or a friend take a photo of you doing the same.

Adapted from 37 ways to celebrate marriage & love your spouse online. Used with permission.
All rights reserved.Toni Birdsong is a co-author of @stickyJesus: how to live out your faith online, which is now available in hardback in stores across the nation.

Toni is a partner in Birdsong Creative, a visual communications, marketing, and web firm in Franklin, Tennessee. She has written more than 2,000 articles and created marketing content for numerous companies. She and her husband, Troy, have two children. Related resourcesSimply Romantic® Nights: License for Creative Intimacy (Volume 2)Simply Romantic® Tips to Romance Your HusbandSimply Romantic® Tips to Romance Your WifeFacebook and Your Marriage, by Jason and Kelli Krafsky

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Moms' Free Time... does that sound like an Oxymoron to you? Well, it isn't if you plan to come to our next meeting on Tuesday, Feb 28! We are having a NO PLAN meeting where we will just have food, announcements, and devotions. We will set up a lot of tables and chairs and allow you TIME and SPACE to work on projects. Projects? Yup... like scrapbooking, putting photos in albums, sorting recipe cards, making cards, writing cards, sewing, crafting, reading magazines, etc. You will have about 2 hours to work on something... so START PLANNING NOW!!!
NEXT TUESDAY from 8:45-11:15!! BE THERE!!!!!
Share with us... what are YOU bringing to work on?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bird's, Butterflies, and Blooms!

Join the Ladies of First Federated Church for Learning, Food and Fun at our March "Girl’s Time Out" on Monday, March 26 from 6:30-8:30 pm. This will be a great workshop for spring planters as well as for moms and grandma’s to get ideas for fun outdoor activities with your little ones!! We hope to see many of you there!!!
Go to www.firstfederated.org to register online!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Marriage Conferences

Hope you were challenged by the video this morning like I was... If you want to continue to invest in your marriage, think about attending one of these Marriage Conference in DSM this weekend or next weekend:

1. This WEEKEND: Gray Chapman and The Marriage You've Always Wanted
(This one is ALL DAY on Saturday.)

2. Next Weekend: Kirk Cameron and Love Worth Fighting For
(This is the one that Danny and I are going to... it is only on Friday night.)


Monday, February 13, 2012

What's a mom to do for Valentines?

Here are some fun but EASY activities for you to add a little LOVE to your day tomorrow...
· Decorate the house with paper hearts everywhere and have the children collect them. The hearts could be plain or have messages on them! They will want to play over and over!
· Make a special dessert for after dinner like heart-shaped cookies or cake!
· Turn their milk pink with a dot of red food coloring!
· Read some Valentines Books from the Library!
· Show your children pictures from when they were first born. Tell them how much you loved them from the moment they were born – or even when you were pregnant with them.
· Make a Valentines Card for Daddy. There are many templates to print right off line.
· Let your children play with Cool Whip that has been tinted with red food coloring. It is a fun and edible craft project for everyone! They can practice letters, numbers, and shapes!
· Give LOTS of hugs and kisses and tell your children over and over how much they are

Please share with us... what are YOUR plans for Valentines? Leave a comment with your ideas!

Prayer Request

Please pray for Sharon Johnson as she had her hip replacement surgery today. She is going to be in the hospital for a few days and then she will go to rehab... she is calling that her Exercise time. She says that it sounds better than rehab. I hope to have an update on her tomorrow at MOPS. Pray that she makes a full, speedy recovery!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

SHOP Ministry

Just a reminder that we are collecting Dish Detergent and Laundry Detergent for our SHOP (Sisters Helping Others Persevere) ministry this month. If you are able to purchase some for the single moms in our area, please bring them to MOPS THIS TUESDAY!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Preparing YOURSELF for your Valentine!


We have our evening session of MOPS tonight and will be having a real treat! We will be hearing from Beth Moore about Intimacy from her series titled WISING UP!! This is perfect timing as we prepare ourselves for our Valentines -- the day is just next week! Come and be challenged and encouraged by God's Word through His Message and through our discussion!

Bring a treat to share if you want to... we will have popcorn and drinks for you already!

If you can't make it tonight, we will have our regular MORNING MOPS next Tuesday morning at 8:45 on the same topic! Invite a friend!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Hope you are able to join us for a MOPS Play date at the Science Center of Iowa! We will be meeting there at 10am for a time of fun and play! Please meet in the lobby so we can all go in together and take advantage of each others Membership Passes.

Hope you and a friend can make it!

Check it out online for more information:


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Free Afternoon Activity!

Are you looking for a warm and FREE activity to do with the family this afternoon/evening? Life 107.1 is sponsoring a FREE afternoon (from 4-7) at the Botanical Center in DSM.
Check out their website for more information:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Start the new year right...

...by coming to MOPS! This Tuesday (January 10) we will be having our MOPS SPA DAY and you will NOT WANT TO MISS IT!!

Here is the invitation for the MORNING and EVENING sessions:

You are invited to our


Next Tuesday, January 10, 2012

at 8:45am or 6:45pm.

Come in casual clothes (PJs and sweats are encouraged!) and be ready to soak
your feet in a Foot Spa and get those nails painted! We will also hear about skin products to help with dry skin in the cold and windy winter from a local Mary Kay Consultant, and we will even make a beauty product to take home!

You will NOT want to miss this time for our moms to be pampered as we start
our new MOPS semester together!

Plan to come and invite a friend! All MOPS who bring a friend will be given TWO EXTRA TICKETS for our amazing giveaways for the meeting!


FYI: The YOGA instructor who we had scheduled for this meeting date had a conflict, so we will reschedule her this spring.