Welcome to MOPS and MOPS NEXT at First Federated Church!

MOPS/MOPS NEXT stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and into the next step -- Elementary school. We exist to meet the needs of every mom -- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS/MOPS NEXT recognizes that the years of infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS/MOPS NEXT helps moms through relationships estabilished in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. Come join us at Federated to begin your quest to be the mom God intended you to be!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mom's Club at FFC

Announcing a new group, just for you!!!

Mom's Club at First Federated Church

What:  A club for moms that meets once a month for games, learning, sharing, fun, crafts, food and MORE!  This club will take the format of MOPS but will also include MOPS Next which is a program designed for moms with children in elementary school.

Who:  All moms with children ages birth-grade 6 and pregnant moms from First Federated Church, their friends, and friends from the community!

When: the Second Tuesday of the Month from September – May from 7-9pm

Where: at First Federated Church (4801 Franklin Ave, DSM) in Room 152

Why:  We all need encouragement, relaxation, conversation with other moms, yummy food, and a time to be a little creative!

(Childcare will NOT be provided; babies are welcome to come with mommas!)

We start on September 11 so mark 
your calendars NOW!