- Catholic Charities: 601 Grand Ave. Des Moines Contact: Pat Nestvedt at pnestvedt@dmdiocese.org
St Joseph’s Emergency Shelter: 1535 11th Street Des Moines (515) 244-3761
- Bates Park: 1495 4th St. Des Moines (515) 237-1386
- SCAVO: 1800 Grand Ave Des Moines (515) 242-7589
- Ruth Harbor: 534 42nd Street Des Moines (515) 279-4661
Christmas Ideas
- Adopt a Family
- Operation Christmas Child
- Local Assisted Living Center/Nursing Homes: Caroling/Christmas Party
- Christmas Dinner Donations
- Salvation Army: Miracle of the Bell
- Friendship Center: Christmas gifts for inner parents to purchase gifts & food
- Des Moines Dream Center: food distribution in inner city neighborhoods