Welcome to MOPS and MOPS NEXT at First Federated Church!

MOPS/MOPS NEXT stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and into the next step -- Elementary school. We exist to meet the needs of every mom -- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! MOPS/MOPS NEXT recognizes that the years of infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS/MOPS NEXT helps moms through relationships estabilished in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children. Come join us at Federated to begin your quest to be the mom God intended you to be!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wet Cement

by Laura Parker

I had a friend in college once who said, "Kids are like wet cement. As parents, we get to put our fingerprints all over them and shape them. But the older they become, the drier --and harder to form--the cement grows."

Psychologist Sigmund Freud agreed. He believed that a child's basic character is developed by the age of five. I don't know about you, but that philosophy makes me a bit nervous for my preschoolers. With that in mind, we have practiced the following ideas to develop positive character in fun ways that easily fit into the fabric of our daily life.
  • Marble Jar: Set up an empty jar with a bowl of marbles beside it. Choose a quality that you want to positively reward for the week and explain to your kids that every time you "catch" someone displaying that quality, they get to add two marbles to the jar. When the jar is full, the whole family gets a special treat.
  • Build a Tower: Set up some blocks on the kitchen counter in a pile (Large Legos work fantastically). Talk about how the words we speak can either build up or tear down other people. During the day, for every encouraging word spoken, have the speaker add a block to the tower.
  • Fridge Art: Put a big piece of white butcher paper on an empty side of your refrigerator. Choose a quality that you would like to work on that week in your home. Tape some markers beside the paper and challenge your kids to notice when someone in the family displays that character trait. Have them draw pictures of the positive actions performed on the paper to create a collage.
  • Fruit that Lasts: Place a large bowl of fruit on the table one morning. Talk about the fruits of right living found in the Bible (Galatians 5:22-23). The fruits in this passage are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Have each child create a pretend story about someone who showed one of the positive fruits, then let him/her choose a fruit from the bowl to enjoy after breakfast.
  • Actions Speak Louder than Words: As someone once said, "Be the type of person you want your children to become."
So, you mothers of "wet cement" children, persevere. Keep shaping the clay of your children's hearts with intention and passion and consistency, because every day the cement is getting a little bit drier.

Taken from MOPS.org

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We now have the fall schedule in place. MOPS will meet at First Federated Church on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, following this schedule:

September 14 and 28
October 12 and 26
November 9 and 23
December 14 ONLY
January 11 and 25
February 8 and 22
March 8 and 22
April 12 and 26
May 10 and 24
Mark your calendar so you don't miss even one! More details will be coming soon!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Snacking

Do you ever get bored serving your kids the same old snacks over and over? I do! I am sure that they do as well -- you can only have so many animal crackers or Gold fish, right?

Below is a list of finger foods with a great dip for each to give your kids! What kid doesn't LOVE "dippy"? Get creative and get healthy this summer with these yummy choices!

  • Dip baby carrots and cherry tomatoes in Ranch dressing.
  • Dip strawberries or apple slices in low-fat yogurt.
  • Dip pretzels in mustard.
  • Dip pita chips in hummus.
  • Dip graham crackers in applesauce.
  • Dip baked tortilla chips in bean dip or mild salsa.
  • Dip animal crackers in low-fat or sugar-free pudding.
  • Dip bread sticks in salsa.
  • Dip a granola bar in low-fat yogurt.
  • Dip mini-toaster waffles in cinnamon applesauce.

Do you have other ideas to share? We would love to hear your suggestions in the comment section below!

Adapted from The American Dietetic Association's 25 Healthy Snacks for Kids

Friday, June 11, 2010

5 Ways to Grow Deep Roots in Your Kids

1.Spend time with them at night. Kids are more open to talk at bedtime no matter their age.

2.Eat dinner together as much as possible.

3.Read and discuss a short section of Scripture daily.

4.Help kids handle relational issues by getting them to think about how the other person feels, or because Jesus is our model, decide what He would do in this situation.

5.Have fun with your kids. Laugh with (not at) them. Wrestle, tickle, snuggle - play.

Taken from www.momandlovingit.org

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In 2010-2011, we invite you to join in the learning process as together we explore Momology: The Art and Science of Mothering.

Mothering is both art and science. It combines all of who we are to shape healthy, resilient kids, which is a very complex job!

MOPS International has identified four essential elements for successful outcomes with our kids:

Core -- knowing and growing ourselves.

Finesse -- honing practical mothering skills.

Circle -- building significant relationships.

Grandscape -- engaging with God and His unique purpose for our lives.

Through Momology, as we explore together, we’ll be guided by an all-knowing, all-powerful, always-present God. Our theme verse for the year is:

Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139:10)

Anywhere we go, God sees, knows, and guides. So we can lead — and love — knowing God will get us through all the hard spots, all our decisions, all our roles, all our times we can’t hold open our eyelids and the times we’re bursting with joy. God’s hand guides us as we guide our children. As we study Momology together to become better moms making a better world.